Perceptual image suite open-source tools for journalists |
by QuaDet [contact] |
perceptual image analysis |
- intuitive forensics tools for images
- the analysis done within your browser
- extension for: Firefox, Chrome
perceptual image search |
- images sent to search servers even from private sites
- support for altering of the searched images
- extension for: Firefox, Chrome
Perceptual image analysis (source code)
- helps at assessing of images from the point of view of possible alterations of the images, that is: is it real or fake?
- extracts meta data (exif, headers), analyses levels and variations of colors and luminosity, applies PCA and the error-level analysis.
Perceptual image search (source code)
- facilitates search by images even from private sites, including search by altered forms of the images.
It can help in assessing of the images, the question here is: had anyone posted a form of the image?
- and the Perceptual image analysis extension can help to find out since when the images are online then.